Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sweet Baby Jesus....

Religion is a touchy thing. So, before i dive into my views, I want to let you all know... That i have no intention of offending or putting down your views. This is simply what I believe to be true. So, I started off going to an Episcopalian church with my Emma (the greatest woman alive) when i was a munchkin and didn't need to think for myself. As my age progressed, I began to notice that I didn't exactly agree with the Christian views being preached at me. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't an easy transition.. I had grown up in a Christian church, and gone to a Catholic school... I was beginning to doubt what i grew up believing. All that single deity crap... I just couldn't believe it. So, as I did more and more research I found the perfect deity for me! Wiccan Witchcraft! Sounds evil, huh? It's not. It's simply believing that we are all unified, and the Earth is our deity. Meaning we should be stewards and worship the Earth which we walk on. So, now I think i'll get into my personal beliefs, based off of the religion i found for myself. I dont believe in a Heaven or a Hell. I simply believe that we'll continue being reincarnated until we live our lives well enough to either satisfy ourselves or whatever greater power there is. I am also a strong believer in Karma. What comes around goes around. I believe nature and energies are superior to us minuscule little beings.Well, I think this is quite enough about my beliefs, and I'm going to stop before someone gets offended... A final word of wisdom... Who care what you believe, as long as you believe in something.

My Interests... Which Are More Interesting Than Your Interests.

I like music, art, poetry, and long walks on the beach. Just kidding. This isnt My music taste is slightly obscure. I'm not into hippity hop, screamo, or generic rock and roll. All that mainstream shit. My favorite bands include... The Pixies, The breeders, The XX, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pepper, Sublime, Best Coast, etc... Poetry i exciting to me, especially the works of Sylvia Plath.Art is just a beautiful thing. I'm very interested in body modification as well (tattoos, piercings, scarring, etc...). I also quite enjoy surfing and longboarding... Another downfall of Corpus... The surf sucks. Well, thanks for spending your precious time reading this. I appreciate it.

And, So.. It Begins.

Well, I guess I should give you guys a little back ground before I being posting wonderful things (which I'm sure will blow your mind) about my daily activities, and whatever comes into my ever so brilliant mind. Jesus, I sound cocky. Anyway, I hopped on out of the womb on March 8, you don't need to know what year. Age is but a measure of how long we've spent on this Earth in one lifetime...Which doesn't seem too important. I was born and raised on the beach, not to mention conceived. Yes, thats right. My parents got jiggy with it at the beach one night. BOOM. Here I am. Romantic, huh? Oh, I'm also a love baby, parents never even married. And so my life continues. My dad's always been in and out of jail. And my mom's just a badass. Honestly, I hate where I live. If you're not from here it sounds totally glamorous. Living on the beach and all. I cant wait to get out of here though. The people suck, the weather sucks, the music scene sucks, hell... Even the Mexican food sucks, and this is Corpus Christi.  Anyway, I have some good friends that I'll get into later...Well, thats all for now...